Wednesday 15 July 2009


Well first things first, WI, well I stayed the same. I'm kind of gutted because I so wanted to be in the 17's this week, but obviously not meant to be, however I am aware i've had 2 weeks where i've had 2 great losses, so i'll keep my fingers crossed for next weeks WI.

I've had my last week at work and my last day tomorrow. I still feel like i'm being ignored by some, just need to let it go over my head, which i'm finding quite easy as I know I won't be there after tomorrow. I have bought them some biscuits and a tray of mixed fruit - banana's, apples, pears, kiwi's etc, hope they appreciate it. And in a way its showing me to be the bigger person. Hopefully my new job i'll get to really enjoy. I'll let you know how it goes on the 27th.

First though we go to Amsterdam again, this time just me and Melissa, my lovely 9 year old. We're just going for a 2 night cruise and 5 hours in Amsterdam, which is enough for her, I think she'd get bored if we went for any longer, so next week i'm going to WI a day early as we will be away on WI day.

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